Teal Farms Garcinia Report By Health Scam Side Effects

Teal Farms Garcinia  :  because the dude knowswhat he's talking about so that's my doglooking out of a bowl in case youwanting everyone's gone I finally got alittle timedo a video on this Reggie they think I'mcrazy anyways they're so tired of mycrap sorry about that but um now they'reloving and supportive um but it's alittle scary okayso Joel fun and this is easy okay youcan write it down I'd write it down so acouple of things okay first step youshould donate to you hungryyeah like dude why are you telling methat don't eat don't eat when you okayyou're not hungry when you wake up inthe morning folksI'm not hungry at lunch usually and youknow eat when you're hungry okay butproblem is there's problems we don'tknow when we're hungry because whathappens is it's called a herxheimerreaction is your body's so busyassimilating food that the organs ofelimination okay this is where most ofyour body's energy is spent iteliminating food okay digesting foodlike when you would you'd be amazed whenyou when I started fasting and I'm notgonna get too into that and that's notreally required material here but itsort of is okay when I started fastingmy son having tons of energy and ittakes like 40 percent of your energy


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